Starting on Monday, the Las Vegas Sun got smaller. The reason being is they blamed the The Las Vegas-Review Journal for the problem. The LVRJ, a conservative paper and the Las Vegas Sun, an extreme lefty newspaper are the two main newspapers in Las Vegas. Like a typical liber, the lefty Sun has to depend on the conservative RJ to deliver it's newspaper.
So, the Sun has to cut it's size by 1 inch. Well, being a lefty paper, they should be happy. They are saving trees by using less paper. You are losing less ink, so that is good for the enviroment.
But, as usual, they bitched about it. They said they had to cut some puzzles and cut something by John Ralston, a liberal commentator who no one reads any ways.
Well, LV Sun, if you want to publish your own paper, go for it and stop depending on conservatives to do your dirty work, you hack of a liberal newspaper.
Fake outrage, isn't it?
16 minutes ago
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