Sunday, March 21, 2010

Exclusive: Brohaha At Dog Fancier's Park And Rory Reid Loses The Dog Owner's Vote

In a little over a week, a kennel club will take over Dog Fancier Park, off of the far east end of Flamingo Road. They will take over the entire park, for 4 straight days for 24 hours a day and there are a lot of pissed off people.

Dog Fancier Park, which is in Rory Reid's county commissioner's district, is a huge park that essentially run by volunteers. It is cleaned by volunteers and inmates from the jail and very little maintenance is needed to the park. The park is supported by all taxpayers of Clark County.
Several hundred dogs come to the park every day, especially in the warm weather and more on the weekend. And we pay County taxes.
The dog kennel club is going to lease the park for 4 days and nights, the sign has not been updated and no one except kennel club members will be allowed access to the park. (exact price is unknown, but is certainly less than $2000 for the 4 days)
I don't begrudge the kennel club for wanting to lease the park, but I have several questions. First, do they need the entire park? Dog Fancier Park has 5 large fenced areas. All are much bigger than a football field and the largest is probably a couple of acres.
Second, why do they need the park for the entire day, from 7AM to 11PM? Fact is, they don't.
And third, why is Clark County closing an entire park for 4 straight days? For me, that is unheard of. If I paid a couple of thousand of dollars, they would shut down Sunset Park or any other County Park for 4 days? Of course the wouldn't, so why now?
And even though Rory Reid has been contacted, why hasn't he intervened? Does he think it is no big deal? Or does he think it is ok for an organization to pay a few bucks and take over a County park for days and not allow several hundred people who pay County taxes to use the park.
Jokingly, several people have suggested releasing a crate of cats loose or throwing hamburger balls at the dogs. Others have suggested picketing or even getting an injunction. Whatever happens, there are a lot of pissed off people, who are voters and many of those people are not going to vote for Rory Reid.


  1. I hope people picket instead of doing stupid crap that will upset the dogs.

    Also, dude, you gotta change your blog template. This is by far the worst blogspot setup and the text is too hard to read.

  2. I Agree! I go to dog fancier's almost every day with my dogs. So do many of my friends. It's, by far, the best maintained and largest of all the parks in the city. And it's very annoying that MANY times a year, the best parts of the park are rented out for private functions several days at a time. BTW- I know those bassets in the photos. They are daily users of the park and their owner is pissed off too!
