Ann Coulter is a conservative flame thrower, to say the least. She is one of the most hated conservatives out there and for good reason- she doesn't care what liberals say against her and they know she is right most of the time.
But Coulter is also a lawyer and she has as many credentials, if not more, to sit on the Supreme Court, as, say, Elana Kagen.
Her take on the Fed's lawsuit against Arizona over Arizona's new immigration law is dead on: "So I guess all that hysteria about the Arizona immigration law was much ado about nothing. After months of telling us that the Nazis had seized Arizona, when the Obama administration finally got around to suing, its only objection was that the law was "pre-empted" by federal immigration law."..."But apparently even they could find nothing discriminatory about Arizona's law. It's reassuring to know that, contrary to earlier indications, government lawyers can at least read English."...
"State laws are pre-empted by federal law in two circumstances: When there is a conflict -- such as "sanctuary cities" for illegals or California's medical marijuana law -- or when Congress has so thoroughly regulated a field that there is no room for even congruent state laws. If Obama thinks there's a conflict, I believe he's made a damning admission. There's a conflict only if the official policy of the federal government is to ignore its own immigration laws."..."But the point is: According to the Supreme Court's most recent pre-emption ruling, Arizona's law is not pre-empted because Congress did not expressly prohibit state regulation of illegal aliens. In fact, the Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected the pre-emption argument against state laws on immigrants -- including laws somewhat at odds with federal law, which the Arizona law is not. "
Coulter nails it. This law is not unconstitutional and even the Obama administration is not saying the law is racist. In addition, at least 9 other states are filing friend of the court briefs on behalf of Arizona. Not sure if any states are filing any friend of the court briefs on behalf of the feds.
So, it looks like Obama may be dealt another defeat in the Supreme Court. Look for another loving State of the Union speech next year, if the Supreme's do show up for the speech.
Secret Service, BOLO for Skullcaps
1 hour ago
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