Sunday, July 11, 2010

Brian Greenspun Makes An Ass Of Himself: Chapter 2

Brian Greenspun is the editor of the Las Vegas Sun and he is not a very intelligent man. He runs the newspaper that has been handed to him by his mother and father and he is one of those limousine liberals that inherit their wealth.
Greenspun writes a weekly editorial which is almost always hate filled, directed at conservatives. One his more funny editorials is when he wanted more civility in politics and then turns around and blasts conservatives. That's being civil?
Well, now to this weeks drivel from limousine liberal editor of the Las Vegas Sun (which is also the campaign spokesman for the Harry Reid and Rory No Last Name):
Greenspun says this "The Review-Journal is owned by people who don’t believe in government. Beyond the obvious need to provide for our common security, most other institutions of civilized governance — public schools, environmental protection, worker safety, food and drug security, etc. — are unnecessary, according to those folks."
What the hell is he talking about? Has anyone every said that we don't need schools, worker safety programs or food and drug security? What kind of drugs is Greenspun on?
Next up on Greenspund mind addled rant: "Sherm hews to their party line. That means Sharron Angle is the darling of the Review-Journal, so he will do anything and everything to pull the wool over the eyes of that newspaper’s readers, at least until after the November election.
Actually the quote should read like this: "Brian hews to their party line. That means Harry Reid is the darling of the Las Vegas Sun, so he will do anything and everything to pull the wool over the eyes of that newspaper’s readers, at least until after the November election."
Finally, Greenspun write the following before he falls asleep with a mannequin of Harry Reid in his bed: "Everything that newspaper and its people do between now and the election is designed to save the owners tax money and fundamentally change the nature of government in this country. Not just tweaking, mind you, but completely dismantling it!"
Yeah, right Brian, we want to dismantle the entire government. No Brian, we do, however, we want to get rid parts of the government that do not work.
Thanks, Brian Greenspun, to show us how to act civilly in politics. Maybe you have amnesia or dementia and don't remember writing that editorial. But then limousine liberals who inherit their money do tend to forget these things or are just hypocrites.
But in case you forgot:

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