So, the Democrats were in Florida, thinking of ways to honor their leader, President Obama.
Then the bright person in the group came up with an idea: Let's put our fearless leader's face on the American flag and fly that flag proudly, like our leader would want.
So they made the flag with their leader's face on the American flag and they were pleased, except, some old Korean Vet pointed out that they were desecrating the flag by having their fearless leader face on the flag.
Sound foolish? Nope. From the Blaze:
An American flag featuring an image of President Barack Obama’s face was removed from outside a local Florida Democratic Party headquarters Tuesday after several veterans called it “despicable” and a “desecration,” the Orlando Sentinel reported.
Veterans gathered Tuesday afternoon to protest in front of the Lake County Democratic Party headquarters, where the flag — featuring Obama’s face in the blue section where the stars normally go — was flying beneath a traditional American flag. The confrontation ended after party chairwoman Nancy Hurlbert took the flag down, according to the Sentinel.
The protest started after Don Van Beck, a Korean war veteran and executive director of the Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park in Leesburg, Fla., snapped several pictures of the flag and distributed them to others. He told WFTV-TV seeing it made his blood boil.
“I can‘t describe how upset was because you just don’t do that to the American flag,” he told the station.
The group demanded Hurlbert remove the flag, saying it was a violation of the federal flag code that prohibits any “marks, insignia, letters, words, figures, designs, picture or drawings of any nature,” the Leesburg Daily Commercial reported. According to the Sentinel, Hurlbert said she would look into the issue but didn’t take the flag down right away. A short while later, she conceded and removed it.
How brainwashed to stupid do you have to be that you would want to put the face of the Obama on the American flag?
Can you imagine if a Tea Party member did this with President Bush or any other GOP president? It would be front page news and the lead on all the news stations.
I don't even think they would do this with Castro in Cuba or Chavez in Venezuela.
There is some serious mental illness in Florida.
h/t Real Debate Wisconsin:
Illegal? No Mortgage For YOU!
44 minutes ago
I'm a liberal, and I wouldn't do that. And I don't think most other liberals would either. It's not exactly flag desecration, and isn't actually an American flag without the stars. But I think it's kind of dumb. Still, I'll bet if you looked hard enough, you could find something similar with Bush or especially Reagan. It's not indicative of every, most or even very many liberals.
ReplyDeleteWould you want to lay claim to the conservative who came up with the "Don't Re-Nig" bumper stickers? I doubt it!
Being a former US Marine who was in the first Gulf War, I think this flag is a disgrace. I don't care if the face is Obama's, Ronald Reagan's or Bill Clinton's, there is NO one man/person who is greater than this nation! I love this country, not necessarily the person who leads it.