Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Las Vegas Sun, Brian Greenspun Still Pathetic

Well, it's been about a week since Dirty Harry Reid demanded to see Mitt Romney's tax returns and said he had a source that Romney didn't pay taxes in the past 10 years.
Dirty Harry Reid claims he has a source from Bain Capital who supposedly knows what was on Romney's private tax returns.  Of course, there is no evidence from Dirty Harry that Romney didn't pay.  Crybaby Reid's claim even has been dismissed by President Obama's press secretary. 
Even though this has been a national story for the past week, the Las Vegas Sun, the newspaper that is extremely liberal refuses to condemn Reid for his uncivil behavior.  The Las Vegas Sun rips on conservatives  for behaving uncivilized and their latest was Michelle Bachman who ripped on some Muslims.
But the editor of the Sun, Brian Greenspun has refused to to have the Sun write anything negative about Crybaby Reid.  He has refused to have political reporters Jon Ralston, Annjeanette Damon and David McGrath-Schwartz write any articles about the uncivilized behavior of Harry Reid. 
I suspect Greenspun is being humped by Reid with Reid saying don't print anything bad about me.
Here is a super secret picture of Crybaby Reid humping Brian Greenspun into submission.

1 comment:

  1. How is all that hopey changy stuff working out for the mismanaged Greenspun businesses Brian screwed up? Maybe him and Dirty Harry ought to get Rory to take more bribes and invest in more green companies so they can rip off the American people llike the Obama slugs. It's coming....get ready. 1776 all over agian!
