On Tuesday, we had the season finale as we had the story lines of a bunch of underage and adults held a drinking party in the calving barn on heir ranch.
Earlier in the series, we had a view of their calving barn and it looked nothing like what we saw during the supposed party and fire.
In the fire, there was no ceiling on the "barn" and the "barn" had a a lot space between the wooden pieces, so there wasn't a fire in the calving barn.
Further, when they got into their fire trucks and went to the scene, I had to wonder where the rest of the Moore Rural Fire District was wit their tankers and fire engines.. Why didn't they go to the scene? Finally, no one uses the term "registered firemen". They are volunteer firefighters, except I doubt they are volunteer firefighters. We have seen many scenes of their vehicle storage area, including when they getting their ATV's ready for the race and we have never seen any fire trucks.
And if they were firefighters, why didn't they put water on the fire? Perhaps they don't know how?
The fake segments of the show is Claudia going to college. First the letter regarding financial aid has no formal letterhead on it. Further, just tuition at great Falls College is almost $21,000 and including room and board, the total is about $26,500. Even with financial aid, she is still going to have to pay a large portion of the cost. Since Claudia would be basically kicked out of the Colony, where would she get the money?
If Claudia really wanted to go to college, why doesn't she go to the University of Northern Montana-Lewistown? Tuition is about $6000 less per semester at UNM-Lewistown and she would not need room and board. But they do not offer Psychology, but there are other University of Montana campuses that do.
As far as the Baptism, here is what they say about it:
Baptism is one of the most important steps in the life of a
Hutterite. Baptism is when Hutterites make a vow to God and to the
church to remain steadfast and faithful for the remainder of their
lives. It is taken very seriously by members.
Hutterites typically ask for baptism between their 20th and 30th
birthday. Baptism comes after the young people have received religious
instructions for 5 to 10 years in school, Sunday School, and church.
Long before baptism is requested, the individual is expected to show
clear signs of a regenerate life, and a commitment to the faith. It is
an important decision in the life of a Hutterite and proper emphasis is
placed on preparation. Individual who have shown through their lifestyle
that they are truly serious and really want to belong to the church of
God are baptized.
When young people feel ready to make a commitment to baptism, they
meet with the senior minister and make a formal request. The minister
brings this request to the whole brotherhood and if there are no
objections, they are accepted for a probation period. Every Sunday
afternoon for 6 to 7 weeks, the baptismal candidates visit each of the
witness brothers who provides spiritual and religious teachings ranging
in length from ten minutes to over an hour.
Hutterites accept all 12 points of the Apostle’s Creed as Truth. All
members publicly declare their belief in The Apostle’s Creed upon
baptism. http://www.hutterites.org/our-beliefs/baptism/
I'm just saying, but having a drinking party and supposedly starting a barn fire just before you ask the elder preacher to be baptized is not a good idea. But the Hutterites are a forgiving group of people.
And now the question will be if there will be a season 2. My TV guide says this was just a season finale, meaning there will be another season. My guess is that since this is Nat Geo's 2nd highest rated show, they will probably be back, though the Bishops that supervise the King Colony may not want the 2nd season because they really hate the show.
So, thanks for stopping by and adding your opinion on the show.
Actually, CJ Roberts.....
2 hours ago
You are clearly an ignorant person with a lack of knowledge. It's a tv show. Ovbiously they arne't going to have every single thing that happens in the show. Like you mentioned before about the guns and how the deer had been gutted. Think about it, they only have an hour air time. I'm sure they cut scenes to make it fit. I mean they could of been hunting for more than an hour alone. If they filmed everything we would still be getting introduced to the colony. Before you write stupid articles and try to get credit for something you wrote, actually do some research. They are a COLONY which means they have their own fire equipment and it was also 3 in the morning. Think about it. If you had a few miles of land, and a small barn caught fire..would you call the fire company? Also they live in the middle of nowhere which would be pointless waiting around for firefighters. They take care of themselves. Sure some of the things are probably scripted to make it interesting, but they are very real, and the things they do are also very real. Grow up and write about something else, because you're just making yourself look bad.
This show is one of the most faked reality shows i have seen. I am in TV Production, and trust me its crazy fake.
DeleteWhat happen to Angela hofer?
ReplyDelete100% agree. Horrible acting, terribly obvious staged events. But why do i watch every episode?
ReplyDeleteThe fire was indeed fake. I looked at the burn patterns, very obvious there was a flammable liquid on the outer surface of the barn. Look at the wood. It did not spread from the barrel and you could clearly see the wood surface with flames of blue coming from nowhere. You could also see the pattern where someone walked along the barn and threw the fluid on the wood at regular intervals.
ReplyDeleteWhether the show is scripted or not is up for debate. Your grammar and spelling, however, are clearly below par for someone that claims to be a teacher. It gives you less authority and very little validity. You make a few good points but, for me, they are overshadowed by the use of improper English and I'm just a small town waitress. Try as I may, I cannot take this post seriously.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course, i cannot take you seriously that you spent time reading and then can only decide that you want to be the grammar police.
ReplyDeleteAt what point did I say that I read the whole thing? Plus, I was only trying to point out that your credibility would increase with proper application of the English language. What you choose to do with that advice is entirely up to you.
Deletewhy in the one episode when he takes that sherri waitress out for breakfeast they lead us to believe it is in medicine hat, and when he is talking to his mom when he returns he says he met her in Letbridge? well i live in Lethbridge and im gonna track this sherri down!....and ask that red head chick that she works with out on a date, she was hot! stupid quintin could of had a fake date cause dem chicks wanted on tv!.... or were they paid actors! ...IM gonna find out, lets be clear...those girls were in Lethbridge, ...and i know that bar!
ReplyDeleteTheres ño ralphs in lethbridge...