Sunday, August 19, 2012

Silly Las Vegas Sun Is At It Again

Does The Las Vegas Sun even read it's own paper?  Apparently not.
Today, the Sun editorial is crying about the funding of education in Clark County, when the they say this:
In the funding formula, the state considers how much tax money the counties generate, then helps small and remote counties that don’t have a significant tax base. The study said the formula “is an elegantly designed funding mechanism suitable for an essentially homogenous rural state.”
Nevada is anything but a homogenous rural state. More than 1.9 million of the state’s 2.7 million people live in Clark County.
The original version of the funding formula was passed in 1967, and although it has been tweaked over the years, it hasn’t changed to keep up with the state’s growth.
Teresa Jordan, professor emeritus of UNLV, worked on the study and called it outdated. She said that under it, “the less wealthy get more funds and the wealthy get less.”
Well, isn't that what Democrats and liberals want?  The less wealthy get more help while we tax the more well off?
This is the mantra of the Obama administration, Crybaby Harry Reid, corrupt Shelly Berkley and the very unethical Dina Titus? 
Once again, the liberals want it both ways.

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