On Wednesday, November 11, 2009, Las Vegas will hold their annual Veteran's Day Parade. From the City of Las vegas web site: "Veterans Day is Wednesday, Nov. 11, and you can recognize those who have fought for our country by attending the annual Veterans Day Parade. The parade begins at 10 a.m. in downtown Las Vegas. The parade travels along Fourth Street from Gass Avenue to Fremont Street.
This year's parade will feature more than 100 entries and 4,000 participants.
The parade will also be carried live on Cox Cable Channel 96." http://www.lasvegasnevada.gov/Find/83.htm
This year's parade will feature more than 100 entries and 4,000 participants.
The parade will also be carried live on Cox Cable Channel 96." http://www.lasvegasnevada.gov/Find/83.htm
I know the MJROTC from our school will be participating.
With schools being out that day and most government agencies being closed, there is no excuse that a lot of people cannot come out and support our troops- past and present.
I took shots at the parade of the ROTC groups and others. Is there a way to get contact info for participants to forward?
Brian Hillburn
Email: bscanman@cox.net
702 370-0698