Two thugs have been arrested for the murder of Metro Officer Trevor Nettleton.
He was shot at home while defending it from the thugs who tried to rob his home in North Las Vegas, the good part of North Las Vegas.
Details here:
Officer Nettleton, though off duty, should be granted all the benefits an officer who is on duty receives. He should get the monetary benefits along with a funeral that honors a fallen officer. he should also be honored on The Officer Down Memorial Page (
Officer Nettleton was performing as a police officer when he was killed and he should be honored like he was.
Update: Officer Nettleton's page from the Officer Down Memorial Page:
Health Insurance
1 hour ago
why is it such a bigg deal when a metro officer get killed/rather than a sivilian,do unto others as you will want done to you,so be it.he had it coming,thank you
ReplyDeleteI agree with what anonynmous above has to say about people putting cops "on a pedestal" so to speak when it comes to incidents such as this and they should definitely NOT be exulted as such great human beings just because they are a cop. I am a Targeted Individual (TI) that used to live in Las Vegas and when I caught the executive director of the Las Vegas Police Protective Association (LVPPA) red-handed gang stalking me, it sealed in my mind forever that cops are the true criminals in our so-called society today, so, whoever this cop was, he turned out to be just another example of "what comes around, goes around" and have no pity and/or sorrow for him and/or his family what-so-ever! When you sit there and ask (God) why did this have to happen to my husband/father, you should know already that it happened because of how Metro "targets" and harasses/tortures/torments Targeted Individuals (TIs) such as myself until we are broke and then must leave town and karma is simply picking a victim at random to repay such criminal behavior. You (and Metro and their chosen minions) are privy to and use something I have named ubersurveillance abilities (also commonly known as electronic stalking and mind control esmc) and use those "abilities" on a daily basis to harass/torment/torture and otherwise commit a myriad of crimes against Targeted Individuals (TIs) and ruin their lives forever and what you have experienced is "payback". I now live 1300 miles away from Las vegas and still I am "targeted" every day by thos0e local people where I live now whom are privy to and use these ubersurveillance abilities and cannot function in our so-called society. It is you who can stand up and say NOT to "target" people with these "phenomenal abilities" that include mind/thought reading and/or a sort of 3D hearing effect that gives the perpetrators the ability to manipulate someone's psyche/thought process' by "hearing" noises inside and outside one's head, whether inside a structure or not, because you have been trained your whole life to trust the faculty of your sense of hearing and when they start toying with this, it is extremely detrimental to one's cognitive thinking processes. So, I'd have to say that until those people that have the "power" to "target" the citizens of this country with this type of criminal behavior, then, I have no sorrow for you and/or your family and I hope it happenes to every single person involved in these abhorrent and malicious acts. CJ