It's a full moon is Las Vegas and we just ended NASCAR week here. NASCAR superstar, Tony Stewart visited the pawn shop on the last day of shooting (h.t. Norm of of the LVRJ) and I am sure the pawn shop was swamped by visitors. Also heard on the radio that talk show host, Mark Levin is also a fan of the show.
In the first episode, the first guy, a former Marine, brought in a WWI flame thrower. The thing was kind of beat up and Rick didn't know if it was legal if you can own one. It turns out, according Rick's expert, it probably was a Vietnam era weapon. It's legal to own because of the damage and the gun part was a fake. The expert said it would be worth $2000. The guy wanted $1500 and Rick offered $500 and then $800 and then $1000 and it sold for the thousand.
The next guy brought in a Baja Bug, a tricked out old VW bug. The guy selling was from California. The guy wanted $12,500 and Rick offered $5000 and the Old Man said $3000. But no sale.
The next item was a fortune telling telling machine. It looks like a fortune telling machine that was in the Ceaser Forums Shop. It was up for auction. Chumlee put in a quarter and got a fortune back. He couldn't buy the machine until the auction, so they came back for the auction. Chumlee has never been to an auction. Huh? In that line of business? Anyways, the auction is located close to downtown. The machine sold at the auction for $6300 and the guys didn't even bid.
The next man came brought in a Manhattan Firearms Revolver from the 1800's. He wants the money to use for a wedding present. The motorcycle in the background was still there on our last visit. Chumlee was volunteered to shoot the gun at the gun store. The gun was worth about $500. Rick offered $200 if it didn't work and $300 if it worked. The gun worked, Chumlee survived and the guy got $300..
In the 2nd episode, the first guy (almost always guys, white guys, why?) brought in an ivory sun dial. The guy wanted to pawn the sun dial and get a loan. They brought in a guy from the West Sea company and when you goggle that, you don't get anything. Anyways, the sun dial also was a moon dial and weather vane and was worth a lot of money. It went from pawn to sell and the they went to a coin flip and the guy won and got it for $4500. Not a bad deal.
The next guy brought in a photo album of Jimmy Hoffa. But the photo's were not worth anything. Maybe the new Mob museum could buy it for their new building in downtown Las Vegas.
They showed off the backroom of the shop. It looked big, but in reality, it isn't that big. Chum and Hoss got to get cleaning the backroom. I learned 30 employees at the store. They found a statue that might have been worth a lot of money that was pawned for $200. So, it apparently will be sold for about $6000.
The next guy had an old shooting game you would seen in an arcade in the 1960's or an old 7-11. Chumlee was wearing some kind of weird coat. The guy wanted $1000 but the counteroffer was still $1000 so no sale.
In the last scene, it shows the Old Man using the sundial in the parking lot. Not sure if he found out the time.
So, another week down and it will be interesting if Tony Stewart shows up in an upcoming episode.
Sunrise — 6:50, 6:56, 7:02, 7:08.
5 hours ago
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