Jon Ralston interviewed Harry Reid the other day and of course he threw a bunch of softballs at Harry. However, Ralston did ask Harry about why he voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006. From the Las Vegas Sun: Only Harry Reid, when I asked him about his 2006 vote against raising the debt ceiling (and Obama did so, too, as a senator), would give this kind of candid answer:
“You had a Republican president, he had to get the debt raised, so that we had Democrats out there trying to play games.”
Me: “You said it was political back then, you are acknowledging that?”
Reid: “Yeah it was, (raises right hand) I am guilty, OK … I am very embarrassed in fact that that was the thing I did at that time because it is the wrong thing to do. I have always voted to increase the debt limit when necessary. This is something that I wish I hadn’t been involved in because I would have had a 100 percent record of increasing the debt.”
So, Harry was playing politics with the country's finacnes just because he hated George Bush. Classy, Harry. Umm, Jon, why not ask Harry what other votes Harry played politics with.
In the interview, Ried said Nevada will be energy independent in 3-4 years. Umm, Jon, how about a follow up question, like how will that happen? And what kind of energy? Like electricity? Natural gas? Gasoline for cars?
More: On immigration reform: Reid said “the tide is turning,” partly because Republicans were crushed by Hispanic voters last year. “I think you are going to be surprised. I think you are going to find significant support from the press around the country. We have an interesting mix. We have organized labor and the Chamber of Commerce want something done and I think that this is the time to get something done.” Ok, Harry. You are beginning to scare me. Maybe it's time to get a physical and get your short and long term memory. How many times have you said it is time to get something done on immigration?
It would be nice if Jon Ralston would stop throwing softball questions to liberals like Harry Reid. But I suppose if Harry didn't get softball questions, he wouldn't go on his show. How do you like being a tool for liberals, Jon?
Lake Mendota — 5:07 p.m.
1 hour ago
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