Lance Armstrong of Tour De France bicycling fame, collected from $31.968 million dollars from the United States Postal Service in the early 2000's.
From ESPN: The U.S Postal Service spent $31.9 million to underwrite Lance Armstrong's pro cycling team during its glory years of 2001 to 2004, approximately 60 to 65 percent of the team's total budget, according to documents newly obtained from the agency under the federal Freedom of Information Act.
The materials provide the first clear look at how heavily the agency invested in Armstrong and reveal the exact dollar amounts at issue should Armstrong and former team officials be charged with fraudulent use of government funds at the conclusion of an ongoing federal investigation.
One wonders if the USPS was able to recoup the payments in the form of increase sales. It would be hard to figure that out because at that time, e-mail started to take off and revenue for the USPS faded. Also, Armstrong never really made an advertisement that stuck out, but that is not his fault.
Armstrong just cannot get a break. First, there was the accusations that have never been proved that he used performance enhancing drugs or blood doped. I don't believe the charges and there is not any evidence that he did anything illegal. Now, he is under investigation for fraudulent use of government money. Unless, Armstrong was the banker for his team, those accusations seem baseless.
So, $31,968,000 pay from the USPS and he never even delivered a letter? (of course, the money was split between members and expenses, so not all the money went to him) Great job, if you can get it.
Lake Mendota — 5:07 p.m.
1 hour ago
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