Today, there was a Democratic legislative townhall in Las Vegas and the usual suspects were there. CCSD and UNLV unions were there. (The CCSD teachers union put out information about the rally, err townhall on CCSD e-mail) State employees and other beneficiaries of government money. There also the usual number of students who are being used as props by their parents. And of course, UNLV students were there, students who don't want their tuition raised, even though they pay more in text books and beer.
But surprisingly, there were some people on the other side. People who supported the cuts and did not want their taxes raised.
From the Sun: It was easy to tell which side of the state budget debate people were on by reading their signs: “We support Sandoval,” one said. Another said: “Cuts hurt.”
While a packed house waited for its chance to speak to state legislators at a town hall meeting Saturday at the Grant Sawyer Building in downtown Las Vegas, about 100 people milled around outside the building, making their voices heard with signs and banners.
The plaza in front of the building was largely a staging area for the meeting inside, with different groups signing people in and organizers giving supporters their talking points for the meeting.
But not everyone went into the meeting; some came just to show their support for Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed budget, while others came to make their opposition known.
The two sides gathered close to one another and even intermingled, but remained calm and mostly quiet, with the brief exception of one man waving a large U.S. flag loudly telling a woman with a Nevada State College sign: “I’m not against education, I’m against raising taxes.”
Of course the Sun writers who covered the story don't say where the extra money should go. Maybe the speakers did, I don't know. But let's face it, most of these liberals who call for more taxes just want to raise taxes, especially on mines, for the hell of it and for pure jealousy- the gold mines make money and the liberals want that money.
You go on the news media web sites like the Sun and LVRJ and the liberals want to tax the mines but won't say where the money specifically should go.
The Sun runs editorials about cuts in education but don't say where in education the money should go.
Blogs like the Las Vegas Gleaner and the ditz over at Desert Beacon say raise more taxes but still don't say where the money should go.
So, the Nevada liberals that talk about education prove once again that talk is cheap and the liberals really don't know what they are talking about.
Lake Mendota — 5:07 p.m.
51 minutes ago
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