From the LVRJ: A convicted killer who escaped from an Arizona prison planned to commit suicide-by-bear in the Montana wilderness, saying his brief freedom was overrated.
But Tracy Province had a change of heart and was arrested Aug. 9 about 60 miles from Yellowstone National Park.
"He had planned to go up in the mountains and shoot a gram of heroin and be bear food. He wanted to overdose and let the bears eat him," according to Mohave County Sheriff's Detective Larry Matthews. "He was making the drugs, and a voice told him 'no.' He called it divine intervention."
When I lived in Havre, Montana many years ago, we had a couple of Wisconsin people eaten by Grizzly bears and people did stupid things around bears in and around Glacier National Park.
One was photographing a Grizzly and the last picture the man took was a picture of a bear on it's hind legs, standing up and snarling. Then the man became Bear Chow.
Another incident in the papers was a story of a man, whereabouts unknown, when he was drunk, tried to lasso a Grizzly bear. The guy lived to tell about it, if he remembered it.
So, getting eaten by a Grizzly bear is not unheard of. It's a hell of a way to go, but if you are knocked out by drugs, you won't feel your limbs being ripped off your body.
Lake Mendota — 5:07 p.m.
35 minutes ago
Havre is the home of Montana State University-Northern and the headquarters for the Montana Division of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad.