Mike, at Cranky Hermit (http://crankyhermit.blogspot.com/) is reporting that Dina Titus, the woman who has never had a real job in her life, is coming back to UNLV to give what little wisdom she has, to a limited number of students.
From the UNLV College Republicans: Dina Titus’ three-year leave of absence from UNLV ends, as she returns for the 2011 spring semester to teach one political science course for a reported salary of $107,855. Her return is marred by questions about her integrity, launched by the UNLV College Republicans in response to her actions during her unsuccessful bid for re-election last fall, and documented on their website www.womanwithoutintegrity.com.
“University and education officials have decided to ignore the lack of integrity shown by Dina Titus, one of UNLV’s highest-profile tenured professors, and instead they have rewarded her with an obscene salary requiring very little real work,” said Mark Ciavola, president of the UNLV College Republicans.
Titus’ salary includes a 6.5% pay increase at a time when Nevada state employees are being subjected to an across-the-board 5% pay cut. Included in Titus’ raise is a 4% increase approved by the Nevada state legislature in 2007, and voted on Titus, then a state senator. Dina Titus has already stated publicly that she plans to run again in 2012, which would make her return to UNLV short-lived.
This is an outrage. Other than her degree, she is totally unqualified to work at her job. She has no real world, private job experience. She has led a sheltered life which has shielded her from the real world.
When she was in politics, she was a disgrace. After she lost to Joe Heck, a reporter asked her a question about Joe Heck, who beat her, she said she didn't know anything about Joe Heck. But that didn't stop her from running false and malicious campaign commercials against Heck. Titus's commercial were so out of line that she was called out by uber liberal, Jon Ralston, as saying her commercials were false.
Dina has no business being a classroom with students, after her very disturbing behavior on the campaign trail. She lied, misled, and acted like a total bitch when she was campaigning.
Further, teaching 1 class for $107,855 is outrageous. And here I thought there was a money crisis at UNLV.
I would say to Brian Sandoval and the GOP in Carson City, you need to withhold money from UNLV until Titus is gone. She is a danger morally and educationally to the students at UNLV.
Lake Mendota — 5:07 p.m.
2 hours ago
Speaking of which, the 2010 census districts might look as follows:
ReplyDelete1st: Mostly the same, but more compact. It won't go further south than Sahara, west of Buffalo and east of Winchester and Sunrise Manor. Minority-majority which Berkley will keep while Wegner will challenge her and still lose. D+18
2nd: Still pretty much the same. If Heller runs for Ensign's seat, expect Sharron Angle, Maurice Washington, Bob Cashell or some no-name from outside Reno to be the GOP nom and the Democrats will put up someone we've never heard of. R so safe, even Angle couldn't lose. R+10
3rd: Made up exclusively of the LV suburban ring. Summerlin, Sun City Spring Valley, Sunrise Manor Paradise and Winchester. This area has more of a D lean to it than before. Expect Dina "Permanent Public Payroll" Titus to run again without going through "Heck" and back. Rory or one of the numerous Cookie Cutter assemblymen in the area might also fight for the D nom. Republicans like Cegavske or Tark might give it a go as well. D+6
4th: Joe Heck will be lucky to get this due to Sandoval vetoing every other Gerrymander that the 'slature throws at him. His district is now below the belt, the Bruce Woodbury kind of belt that is. The westmost Summerlin developments near Red Rock, Blue Diamond, Enterprise neighborhoods, Henderson Boulder, Rural Clark and possibly even Pahrump if not all of Nye will be included. Shirley Breeden might try to take him down again, but it won't be as easy. Heck may face a primary challenge from some John Birch member who lives in Nye. R+4
Thanks, Adam, more good stuff.
ReplyDeleteThanks again.
"This is an outrage. Other than her degree, she is totally unqualified to work at her job. She has no real world, private job experience. She has led a sheltered life which has shielded her from the real world. When she was in politics, she was a disgrace."
ReplyDeleteDina Titus has been a university professor for over 30 years and a minority leader in the Nevada State Senate for over 16 years, in addition to her short experience in the United States Congress. I don't like her either, but you're letting partisan hyperbolic babble get the best of you when you say she isn't qualified to be a political science professor; on the contrary, her experience leaders lends her more credence as a professor of her study than most professors in their field. There's plenty to rip her on regarding over over-priced salary in particular, and the role of tenure among professors in general.
Have you you ever read her resume that she posted on her campaign web site? She never once mentioned a job that she actually had to work at. All she did was go to college and then go to work at a university.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, a political science professor is not a real job , especially when you compare to an engineering professor, a medical doctor professor, a law professor, zand so on.
when I was in college, our professor in cognitive disabilities never set foot in a classroom. He went straight from the student classroom to college educator. The guy could write good papers and books but had no clue what the real world was like.
Dina Titus is in the same boat. She never had to meet a payroll, punch a time clock or even sweat on the job. Being a politician is not real life. You are surrounded by yes men and women. This is true with both parties and if we had a GOP person with the same quailifications, I would be saing the same thing.
"She never once mentioned a job that she actually had to work at. All she did was go to college and then go to work at a university."
ReplyDeleteI'm aware of her life's work, as is anyone who wants to do a google search. After getting into college early (didn't even have to earn a bachelor's degree), she moved quickly through her masters and PhD programs, taught at North Texas, and then came to UNLV. Later on, she became the Senate Minority Leader in our state assembly, where she held that title for quite some time; served 16 years total there.
It's difficult to respond when you say something like "a political science professorship is not a real job", because the premise of that argument (especially when you say that 'real' professorships exist in the fields of law, engineering, and so on) is that political science has no merit or value for scholarship and study. You may not have much value for the study of governmental functions, theory, policy formulation, political systems, etc., but thank goodness quite a few people do, and from all ideological and philosophical stripes to boot. Many of those people go on to positions in government and do good honest work on behalf of their country; plenty of examples to be found from the FBI and CIA to the State and Defense Departments. Titus taught classes at UNLV primarily concerning the legislative process - something she knows about given her tenure in the state senate - and about the role of women in politics - something she knows about because she was (and probably will be again, God help us all). As far as the nature of the work of any professorship is concerned - particularly in the liberal arts, including poly sci - there is enormous pressure in researching and publishing in academic journals, grading papers (which won't be too burdensome this semester for Ms. Titus, but a four class load of midterms, finals, and term papers amounts to well over 1,500 pages of reading, editing, and grading), and various other things that certainly qualify it as an actual job with actual requirements. Most professors I know in the field put in a good 50-60 hours a week of actual substantive work. It's very sad to hear someone so readily dismiss what they do on the basis of some anecdotal experience they had with a constantly absent professor.
As for what qualifies a person to office, it's their ability to form relationships, provide good ideas, and effectively navigate the legislative process so as to best represent the interests of their constituents (as they see it, given that what I believe to be in our common best interest could be different from yours). "Punching in a time clock" or "sweating on the job" doesn't make someone effective in politics, and we're kidding ourselves if we believe that. It's nice to know that the guy representing me knows what its like to struggle, to be sure; but I'd rather have the guy who knows how to deal-make, bargain, and get things done...and if that's the same person, double-jackpot bingo. Titus came from a middle-class background in the middle of Nowhere, Georgia; not exactly a ruling elite.
You can question her policy positions, you can raise concerns about her ethics as they relate to the stuff that was pulled on Joe Heck, but don't go forth with this dribble about how "political science professors" don't have real jobs.
I've just been in the uncomfortable position of defending someone I don't particularly like. Please excuse me while I go have a cocktail or five.