While most of the Country is getting hit by a large snowstorm, in Las Vegas today, it was 65. Time for a vacation? But it is going to get colder by the mid week. It is a busy time in Vegas because of the Super Bowl- Go Packers!!!! We have some great Super Bowl Parties in Las Vegas and we are going to one at a local Packer bar.
The first episode, the first guy brought in a an aircraft octant, a navigational aide used in old airliners and airplanes. Rick didn't know much about them so time for the expert, Mark from Clark County museums, including the one at McCarren Airport. Mark said it came from WWII and it was intact. Rick offered $200 and the countered with $300 and then Rick offered $250. That was the deal.
The next guy brought in Virtual Boy video games from Ninetendo, from about 1995. It was supposed to be a 3-D game set. It wasn't very successful because of the graphics.. The guy wanted $200, Corey offered $80 and that was the deal.
The next lady wanted to sell a doctor's buggy, something you might see on Little House On The Prairie.. The lady wanted $800 and Rick offered $500 and then $650. The lady really didn't want to sell- maybe she just wanted to be on TV? Rick then offered $700 and that was the deal.
The next had some movie memorabilia from Star Wars. They were life sized and were from a promotion from Pepsi. Jar Jar and Darth Maul were the characters. (I am the only person, probably who never has seen a Star Wars movie). The guy wanted $600 each. Rick offered $200 apiece and $300 a piece. There is no deal and Chumlee was disappointed.
The next guy came in a Stradivarius violin. The guy found it in a house he bought and it was in the back of a barn. The time frame was off, but time for an expert. Kevin, who is a violin maker. The guy went over the violin with a fine tooth comb. He thought the violin was a copy from the 1920's. It was worth about $500. Rick didn't want to do anything with it and there was no offer.
In the 2nd episode, the first guy brought in Army coat from the Spanish-America war from the 1890's. Time for an expert, Mark. Mark thought it may be from the Philippine Insurrection. Rick offered $200 and that was the deal.
The next guy brought in a book that was owned by Sir Isaac Newton. The book was written in Latin from 1546. Time for another expert, Gary from Academy Fine Books of Las Vegas. The book was a book on minerals. The guy said it was owned by Newton. The expert said the value would be about $20,000 retail. The guy wanted $15,000, the Old Man offered $5000 and then $6000. The selling price was $7000. They brought in another expert, Drew to check out the writing in the margins to see if it came from Newton. The writing was not Newton's, however because the writing was too small.
The next guy brought in a vintage cell phone- nothing with apps. It had to be carried in a big bag. It was about 25 years old. It was made by Capehart. Corey offered $5 and that was the deal.
The next guy had the guys come out to his house to see John Wayne collection. There were pictures, stamps, plates etc. The guy was hoping for $15000 but Rick didn't want it because the amount of things and it would be hard sell.
Have a good week and stay safe and where the snow is falling.
Don't Let the Door........
38 minutes ago
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