This is the mug shot of the thug shooter, killer and all around wack job in Arizona.
His smile is very troubling. Does he realize that he had killed a 9 year old girl? A federal judge and 4 others?
Does he realize that he probably permanently severely disabled a fairly young woman who happened to be a congresswoman? How about the 15 others that he shot? Does he care about those people? Does he even care? Does he even care about the damage he has caused his family? I doubt it.
My fear is that he is looking at all the attention he is getting and will get for at least the next couple of years. He looks happy that he is lawyered up with a famous left wing lawyer from another state. He looks like he is happy with all the media attention he may be getting. He looks at all the attention and respect the cops have to give him. He feels he is in control now and he enjoys the feeling and to a certain extent, he is right. He does control the situation at the police station and he is loving every minute of it.
So, the face pictured above is a face of a thug, a killer, a low life. One hopes the jail population in Tuscon will wipe that smile off this thugs face.
Not to mention that he not only shaved his head, but his eyebrows too. He's altogether ooky.