Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why Does the Las Vegas Sun Call It's Self A Newspaper?

he Las Vegas Sun, the most unethical daily newspaper in the country, takes another cheap shot against a Republican.
today, they ran a banner headline how Gov. Brian Sandoval was overturned in a case, while he was a federal judge, by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
From the Sun: "A federal appeals court has ruled that Gov. Brian Sandoval while he was a federal district judge committed an error in a case in which the Venetian is trying to collect on a $499,000 marker from a California gambler.
The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals says player Amine T. Nehme should have been permitted to introduce evidence that he says shows he doesn’t have to pay the marker."

The Sun rarely reports on judges being overturned by an appeals court and very rarely, do they write a 13 paragraph story on a judicial appeal. Hell, Clarence Stewart, O.J. Simpson's co-defendant in the famous robbery case in 2008, when his guilty verdict was overturned, his article was just a little bit longer than the article on Sandoval and Stewart's case was much more famous than some gambler trying to get out of a gambling debt.
So, once again, the slimey Las Vegas Sun along with unethical writer, Cy Ryan take a cheap shot at a conservative. Why do they call themselves a newspaper?

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