Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Arizona Memorial Service Turns Into Pep Rally for Obama

I've been to several memorial services/funerals in my 50 years. Most have been somber experiences and none of them were pep rallies.
But apparently, President Obama and his Democratic buddies believe that memorial services should be pep rallies, for President Obama.

First, there were t-shirts given outwith this slogan:

Next, there was loud yelling, screaming and and people screaming 'we love you" to Obama: And immediately, the sobriety is broken by massive whoops and hollers for Janet Napolitano.
Just. Gross.
After reading
Isaiah 40, more whoops and hollers for Napolitano.
And now, Arizona-bashing Attorney General Eric Holder, reading 2nd letter of Paul to the Corinthians.
8:42pm Eastern U of A president intro’ing Obama. Cheers, whoops, shout-outs. Ear-splitting applause as he heads to podium.
Audience screaming “WE LOVE YOU!”
People still cheering as he starts his remarks

Umm, yeah, I have never seen this at a memorial service. Pep rally, certainly, but not a somber ceremony.Obama said this: it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.I am sure we will hear Obama repudiate his past comments, like when we are in a knife fight, we we will bring guns. And of course, calling conservatives, enemies.

So, I guess we are seeing the start of the 2012 presidential campaign. Shameful that a memorial service turned into a pep rally by the POTUS.


  1. Oh, Dan, not you too. That "knife fight" bit has been echoed on every rightwing talk show and blog out there. The line is from "The Untouchables." It was not steeped in the same "lock and load" mentality as is Palin, etc. It's just not the same. Nobody--but NOBODY--who heard Obama say that line felt moved to angry, frothing violence. It just didn't and hasn't happened.

    Context is everything.

    As for the memorial service, you can hardly fault the President for the crowd's honest reaction. His speech was perfectly reverent and didn't grandstand or get overtly political. I dare say you'd have criticized him no matter what he said. Yes?

  2. The Republican's seeming political imagery of choice, guns, doesn't play too well at a memorial for shooting victims, or Boehner might have found a reason to attend other than the fact he is Speaker of the House in which one of the victims was a member, on the job but, wasn't enough to command his attention. Instead he politicized the old fashioned way, at a private cocktail party.
    It's unfortunate that people able to express faith, life, hope, courage and yes, love, in defiance of the villainy of the tragedy in Arizona is such a downer for you and doesn't play well politically for Republicans. But, fear just couldn't find a seat at the memorial and "Don't tread on me" T-shirts seem to have sold out.
