Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Hateful Left On Display

I will come out and say it. Most liberals are not bad people. We may disagree with on some issues, the majority of liberals are good family people who are out there just trying to make a living. I am not writing about these liberals.
Instead, I am writing about the hate filled, vile and potentially violent left. The Las Vegas Gleaner comes to mind. the Gleaner has a blog. Most of his blog posts are harmless but his comment sections seem to be a magnet for some of the most vile people on the left. It also makes me wonder why the extreme left is celebrating this shooting. They celebrate the shooting by posting vile postings on blogs and newspaper comments section. This is a very sick celebration.
Well, today, Gleaner came out with a hateful post regarding the Arizona shooting. As a typical left wing extremist, he went on to blame the right and radio and television show hosts and of course Sarah Palin. Never mind that is has been shown pretty conclusively that the thug shooter was apolitical, never listened to talk radio or the news, was stalking Giffords before Sarah Palin and Sharron Angle came on the national scene but he pretty much was a mentally deranged man.From the Gleaner: Let's recap: A sprawling media infrastructure, including an entire television network, whips up prejudice, fear and outrage on the part of "good" or "real" (or "great" in the case of Hannity) Americans against everyone else, relentlessly spreading breathless paranoia from coast to coast 24 hours a day, day after day, year after year after year. Limbaugh, Beck and the rest of the carnival barkers, who care more about how many rubes they can attract to their medicine shows than they ever did about the country they profess to be protecting from icky liberals, have bullied their suggestible audiences, virtually every Republican politician, and not a few Democrats into lock-step fealty to malicious public policies based on a failed ideology....

Angle, Sarah Palin and their media apologists are horrible people who carelessly propagate the nation's most sordid impulses for fun and profit. But they don't just lead a fearful, wildly misinformed and too-casually militant segment of a sick society. They've also been vomited up by it. That's what they've got in common with Jared Lee Loughner.

I guess we can't expect much from a extremist lefty, but then again, he does write for a very racist, Las Vegas City Life. Remember this:
Ask The Mexican column is still in the Las Vegas City Life and it is an extremely racist picture and article. Stay classy, Gleaner.

1 comment:

  1. Dan,

    I read that article, and--hold your surprise--came away with an entirely different view. And I didn't see it as "blaming" the right as much as pointing out that the right refuses to see that they could POSSIBLY be blamed. As though harsh rhetoric involving gun imagery could never be taken literally by a riled up base.

    I'll agree that in this case we do not know the assailant's ideology. He's all over the place (The RIGHT has been at least as guilty mislabeling rumor as truth as the left has. Did you hear Alan Stock or J.D. Hayworth the last couple of days? Wrong info all over the place too).

    But what if not "2nd Amendment remedies" was Loughner's attack? If that wasn't what it was, what did Sharron Angle mean by it? What about "We came unarmed. This time." at tea parties? What about "Don't retreat, reload?" What about "if ballots don't work, bullets will?” What about Michele Bachmann wanting Minnesotans "armed and dangerous?"

    It isn't credible to say this kind of stuff is just metaphor with no relationship to weaponry and USING it. All of the people who used it are steeped in gun imagery. And while Loughner may not know Angle, Bachmann or Palin from Humpty Dumpty, he's not the only nut out there.
