Gov. Scott Walker said Friday he would sign right-to-work legislation that Republicans plan to fast-track through the state Legislature beginning next week.
It’s the first time Walker — a likely 2016 GOP presidential candidate — has acknowledged he planned to sign such a bill after repeatedly saying it would be a “distraction.”
That law could be on the books in a matter of weeks.
State officials were bracing for potential protests at the state Capitol, and a top lawmaker warned that labor unions and management could move quickly to extend contracts to delay being forced to comply with the law.
While it’s impossible to say if sustained mass protests will develop like they did in 2011 when Walker proposed limits on collective bargaining for public employees, drawing tens of thousands of people, the AFL-CIO has scheduled rallies Tuesday and Wednesday at the Capitol, said John Schmitt, president and business manager of the 6,500-member Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council....
Republicans said such a law would help keep businesses from relocating to right-to-work states and entice out-of-state companies to move to Wisconsin.
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There is no reason in this day and age, not to have right to work rules.
The only reason why unions hate right to work laws is because it would cut into the wealthy lifestyles of the union leaders.
But if the unions think they provide such a great service for their employees they represent, they should not fear right to work rules because the employees would want to stay with the union.
But if the union provides little, if any good for the workers, then the unions will suffer and that is not a bad thing.
Hopefully, Wisconsin will be another state that is smart enough to be a right to work state.
So, good for Wisconsin, the GOP legislators and Scott Walker for taking on the thug unions and their thug leaders.
Trump's Vatican Pick vs. Pp. Franny 1
17 minutes ago
Dan you're right on with the comment that if da union has something to offer, employee's will beat their doors down to join.