From the San Francisco Chronicle: When work crews pulled open a broken BART escalator at San Francisco's Civic Center Station last month, they found so much human excrement in its works they had to call a hazardous-materials team.
the sheer volume of human waste was surprising, its presence was not.
Once the stations close, the bottom of BART station stairwells in
downtown San Francisco are often a prime location for homeless people to
camp for the night or find a private place to relieve themselves.
those biological excretions can gum up the wheels and gears of BART's
escalators, shutting them down for long periods of extended repairs,
increasing station cleaning costs and creating an unpleasant aroma for
morning commuters.
Five of the nine escalators that weren't working at BART stations on Wednesday were in downtown San Francisco, said Jim Allison,
a BART spokesman. While there are many reasons a BART escalator can
break down, the beating they take at night is among the most acute.
There's a lot of reasons not to visit San Francisco- liberals, cool foggy weather and a city fool of weirdo;s and crack pots. But I think this may make the top 2 or 3.
Sunrise — 6:50, 6:56, 7:02, 7:08.
6 hours ago
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