Mark Styn, a columnist, points out the hypocrisy on the left regarding the Chick Fill A controversy:
The city's mayor, Rahm Emanuel, agrees with the Alderman: Chick-fil-A
does not represent "Chicago values" – which is true if by "Chicago
values" you mean machine politics, AIDS-conspiracy-peddling pastors and
industrial-scale black youth homicide rates. But, before he was mayor,
Rahm Emanuel was President Obama's chief of staff. Until the president's
recent "evolution," the Obama administration held the same position on
gay marriage as Chick-fil-A. Would Alderman Moreno have denied Barack
Obama the right to open a chicken restaurant in the First Ward? Did Rahm
Emanuel quit the Obama administration on principle? Don't be
ridiculous. Mayor Emanuel is a former ballet dancer, and when it's
politically necessary he can twirl on a dime.....
Mayor Menino subsequently backed down and claimed the severed rooster's
head left in Mr. Cathy's bed was all just a misunderstanding. Yet, when
it comes to fighting homophobia on Boston's Freedom Trail, His Honor is
highly selective. As the Boston Herald's Michael Graham pointed out,
Menino is happy to hand out municipal licenses to groups whose most
prominent figures call for gays to be put to death. The mayor couldn't
have been more accommodating (including giving them $1.8 million of
municipal land) of the new mosque of the Islamic Society of Boston,
whose IRS returns listed as one of their seven trustees Yusuf
al-Qaradawi. Like President Obama, Imam Qaradawi's position on gays is
in a state of "evolution": He can't decide whether to burn them or toss
'em off a cliff. "Some say we should throw them from a high place," he
told Al-Jazeera. "Some say we should burn them, and so on. There is
disagreement ... . The important thing is to treat this act as a crime."
Unlike the deplorable Mr. Cathy, Imam Qaradawi is admirably
open-minded: There are so many ways to kill homosexuals, why restrict
yourself to just one? In Mayor Menino's Boston, if you take the same
view of marriage as President Obama did from 2009 to 2012, he'll run
your homophobic ass out of town. But, if you want to toss those godless
sodomites off the John Hancock Tower, he'll officiate at your
ribbon-cutting ceremony.
As an exercise in sheer political muscle, it's impressive. But, if
you're a feminist or a gay or any of the other house pets in the
Democratic menagerie, you might want to look at Rahm Emanuel's
pirouette, and Menino's coziness with Islamic homophobia. These guys are
about power, and right now your cause happens to coincide with their
political advantage. But political winds shift. Once upon a time,
Massachusetts burned witches. Now it grills chicken-sandwich homophobes.
One day it'll be something else. Already in Europe, in previously
gay-friendly cities like Amsterdam, demographically surging Muslim
populations have muted Leftie politicians' commitment to gay rights,
feminism and much else. It's easy to cheer on the thugs when they're
thuggish in your name. What happens when Emanuel's political needs
Americans talk more about liberty than citizens of other Western
nations, but, underneath the rhetorical swagger, liberty bleeds. When
Mayor Menino and Alderman Moreno openly threaten to deny business
licenses because of ideological apostasy, they're declaring their
unfitness for public office. It's not about marriage, it's not about
gays, it's about a basic understanding that a free society requires a
decent respect for a wide range of opinion without penalty by the state.
In Menino's Boston, the Freedom Trail is heavy on the Trail, way too
light on the Freedom.
Steyn is right and I might add, when these bozo's in Chicago, Boston and other places said they would harass Chic Fill A, they just opened themselves up to lawsuits, if Chic Fill A was a greedy company, which they are not.
But it also shows that politicians will do anything to take off the spot lite off their failed policies i their cities. Chicago is becoming the new Juarez, Mexico with all their murders and shootings going on and an education system that the mayor is in charge of , is in horrible shape, while in Boston, they have their crime problems and problems with the Boston Red Sox.
Just more stupid politicians doing stupid things.
Sunrise — 6:50, 6:56, 7:02, 7:08.
1 hour ago
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