Sunday, July 8, 2012

Border Patrol: A Bad Day

The U.S. Border Patrol has undergone a lot of bad times lately.  They are being used as political pawns by President Obama and Eric Holder but even though that is tough, today was a bad day fo the Border Patrol.
A Border Patrol agent was killed near El Paso today:.  From the El Paso Times: A U.S. Border Patrol agent was killed in an ATV accident while on patrol near Fort Hancock early Friday evening, officials said Saturday.
Agent Leopoldo Cavazos Jr., 29, died in an ambulance on the way to an El Paso hospital, Border Patrol spokesman Doug Mosier said.
Border Patrol officials did not release any details on how the crash occurred because they said the accident was under investigation. Fort Hancock is about 40 miles east of El Paso.
The Border Patrol regularly uses all-terrain vehicles to patrol the desert and other areas that regular vehicles have difficulty reaching.
"Every day, agents of the U.S. Border Patrol face inherent dangers as they serve our nation and their citizens with commitment, professionalism and enthusiasm," the Border Patrol said in a news release.
Officials said Cavazos was originally from Houston and graduated from the Border Patrol Academy in 2006. He is survived by a wife and two children.
Earlier, a Border Patrol agent had to fire his weapon because of a bunch of thug rock throwers: The U.S. Border Patrol says an agent fired shots after being pelted by rocks thrown along the Rio Grande.
Border Patrol spokesman Henry Mendiola said Saturday he did not know if anyone was struck by the gunfire. He said the shooting about 9 a.m. in Brownsville happened when an agent "feared for his life" and fired his weapon.
The Border Patrol has a thankless job.  They have to keep bad people out of the U.S., have to deal with armed drug dealers in the desert and even have an agent, Brian Terry, killed because of bad policy of the U.S. government.
So, condolences to the family of Leopoldo Cavazos and Border Patrol.

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