Sunday, July 22, 2012

LVRJ Puts Animals, People In Danger

The Las Vegas Review Journal thought they were going to write a spectacular writer on the different exotic pets in the Las Vegas Valley.  The article was pretty good:  When chimps named Buddy and C.J. escaped recently in a northwest Las Vegas neighborhood and a police officer shot and killed Buddy, it grabbed national headlines.
Their escape also dragged up an old local question: Does Clark County maintain the proper oversight over exotic animals, and can it keep the public and the animals safe?
The county treats keeping exotic animals as a land use issue rather than a question of whether a person is qualified to keep the animals.
Fourteen properties in the county have permits for wild animals. Seven are also licensed with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which inspects them about once a year.
The other half are generally only inspected by Clark County Animal Control before their land-use permits are issued or renewed. Two to five years can pass between checks on owners of lions, tigers and small primates.
The part that makes this article dangerous is that the enclosed map in the print edition and on-line and they include the direct address of the what animals are at the address.  So, any knucklehead, drunk or troublemaker can go to that person's house and mess with the animals and the property, like these idiots:

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