Chicago is a war zone right now, with about 275 murders so far this year. So, the pastors of the community got together and said they are tired of doing funerals and they want it to stop.
So, who did they address? The murderers? Family of thug murderers? Gang members? Addressed the no snitching policy in the hood?
Nope, they said this:
"Chicago seems like it's become a war zone," Fields said.
officials, some with members directly affected by shootings, took turns
at the microphone, encouraging one another and the public to combat the
violence by contacting their legislators and demanding stricter gun
laws, like an assault weapons ban, and by being better fathers, mothers
and neighbors.
It's for everyone in all parts of the city —
especially pastors, families, police and government officials — to take
part of the responsibility for the violence and start doing more to
prevent it, Fields said.
"We're calling on every facet, every
institution and all the residents to get involved," Fields said. "All of
us have some skin in the game.",0,4793404.story
Maybe, these pastors are just naive because they don't get out much, who knows or maybe they just a bunch of liberals. But whatever it is, contacting legislators and demanding gun control is not going to stop the killing, anywhere. These pastors are just spewing the same old liberal idiocy.
If these pastors were actually serious about cutting down on murders, they need to get into the face of the gang bangers and drug dealers and tell them to stop their dealing. They would get in the face of druggies and demand they stop taking drugs and/or get help. They need to support the cops when they start cracking down on the thugs instead of feeling sorry for the criminals. They need to get into the faces of gang banger wannabes and get them out of the gangs. They need to get into the faces of the kids and adults of the neighborhoods and tell them to start snitching and start ratting out the criminals of the communities. They need to stop being politically correct.
But to spout off with the same old liberal rhetoric is not going to change anything. As long as Chicago has these liberal pastors in the pulpits, Chicago is just going to continue to be a war zone.
And it's not just in Chicago, pastors need to be playing hard ball with the thugs in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Miami and every large and small city. then, maybe the murders will be reduced.
"Oldest Ally" Betrayed Your Grandma
5 minutes ago
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