Saturday, July 14, 2012

Union Teachers Paying Union Leaders Lavish Lifestyle

As usual, union members are paying for the lavish lifestyles of union leaders.  This time, it's the teachers who are getting screwed.
From Fox News: Teachers across the country face pay freezes and possible layoffs, but the heads of the two biggest teachers unions saw their pay jump 20 percent last year, to nearly half a million dollars apiece.
American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten's pay jumped to $407,323 between 2010 and 2011, while her counterpart at the National Education Association, Dennis Van Roekel, got a raise to $362,644. Factor in stipends and other paid expenses and Weingarten took in $493,859 and Van Roekel $460,060 for 2011. 
The big salaries drew jeers from many educators and their advocates in the U.S., where the average nationwide salary for teachers is a scant $44,000 a year. By contrast, nearly 600 staffers at the NEA and AFT are raking in six-figure salaries, according to Association of American Educators Executive Director Gary Beckner.
Not only do national teacher union leaders make large salaries, but so do local union staff.  In Clark County, the head of CCEA, the Clark County teacher's union makes well over $100,000 a year.  Just three years ago, a union leader made about $600,000 in one year.
I do belong to the teacher's union and if given a chance, I am going to demand that the union leaders in CCEA make no more than the highest paid teacher in CCSD.
But this is the norm of union leadership and this is why union leaders were scared in Wisconsin with Act 10, which allowed public employees to opt out of unions.  The union leaders didn't care about the workers, they were more concerned with losing union membership and union dues and then losing their lavish lifestyle.  Well, in Wisconsin, the State teachers union decided to layoff 42 employees instead of cutting back on the union leader's salaries and cutting back on the union leaders benefits and cutting back on the union leaders perks.
In Clark County, NPRI, a conservative think tank, sent out letters to teachers urging teachers to opt out of the teacher union and the union leaders went ape shit crazy.  Why?  Because fewer union dues, less money to pay the union leaders and maintain their lavish lifestyle.

*as a matter of openness, I do belong to the CCEA and contribute to the union leaders lavish lifestyle

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