Saturday, July 7, 2012

Buh Bye California As You Sink Into A Big Black Hole

The Democrats in California  have just voted to spends billions of dollars for high speed rail, thereby killing California.
From Sacramento Bee: By a bare majority, the state Senate voted Friday to approve initial construction on California's $68 billion high-speed rail project, ending months of intense lobbying and uncertainty in the Legislature.
The approval was a major legislative victory for Gov. Jerry Brown, who lobbied lawmakers before the vote and celebrated with Democratic legislative leaders off the Senate floor immediately after.
Question: How many miles of high speed rail do we have in the United States?
Answer: Zero, none, nada
California is going to spend billions on a fantasy while cutting social programs, school aid and emergency responders.
Further, if this thing ever gets built, California taxpayers will be subsidizing the high speed rail forever.
Now, if Brian Sandoval, governor of Nevada was smart, he would be on a plane tomorrow, knocking on doors of California businesses and begging them come to Nevada.  Governors from other states will probably be doing the same thing.
Do the Democrats even care or are just plain stupid that they are killing their State?  Probably not.
And as far as the Nevada Desert Express, our version of high speed rail, this is not good news as there are not going to be any links to the Desert Express to Victorville or anywhere else close to there.
So, thanks to California Democrats, they are going to kill California while helping other states who will benefit from their stupidity.

Read more here:


  1. How many miles of high speed rail do we have in the United States?

    And why do you think that is? Because the traitor politicians you love so much are in big oil and the Saudi's pockets, building more highways and airports on the taxpayers backs to keep us addicted to oil.

  2. And it could also be that that Americans don't like trains that much. There is only 1 Amtrak line in the country that is profitable. All the rest require a government subsidy.
    And personally, I think they should build more highways and airports than a choo choo train that will never be built.

  3. Airlines don't build airports, oil companies and auto makers don't build highways. Oil based transportation is heavily subsidized by the taxpayer. "Choo Choo Train", "Boondoggle", "Train to Nowhere" are buzzwords created by Think Tanks (bought for by oil companies and their Saudi Masters) to influence public opinion against these type of projects.
