Saturday, July 7, 2012

Obama On Job Numbers: Nothing To See Here

From Byron York and The Washington Examiner: The Obama White House says Americans should not “read too much into” the latest bad news from the jobs front.  Employers added just 80,000 new jobs in June — far fewer than needed for a healthy recovery — and the unemployment rate stayed at 8.2 percent.
Not long after the new figures were released, the White House sent out a statement from Alan Krueger, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers.  Facing a bleak situation yet again, Krueger said, “It is important not to read too much into any one monthly report.”
If that sounds familiar, it is because that is what the Obama White House has said during month after month of troubling economic reports.  The White House has said it so often, in fact, that the Romney campaign has compiled a list of 30 — yes, 30 — examples, going back to November 2009, of the administration cautioning that Americans should not “read too much into” the latest bad economic news.  Here, from the Romney campaign, is that list
The article then lists and documents the skipping record (for those too young, it is a large disk played on a record player) of Obama's response to the horrible job record he has had.
Anybody who is not an Obama Kool Aid drinker, has to realize that Obama and his administration has completely failed in bringing down the unemployment numbers.  When you have more people going on Social Security disability in one month than jobs created, you know there has been a total failure.
And for those who still blame George Bush for the current unemployment numbers, grow up- you are acting like children.  Yes, Obama inherited some bad economic numbers, but his policies have made it worse, much worse.
As Bill Clinton said in 1992, "It's the economy, stupid", this will be quote will be the ending of the Obama presidency.

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