Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Something Is Fishy Here

From the LVRJ: The Nevada State Education Association describes it as "union busting at its finest," but the conservative think tank that emailed 12,000 Clark County School District teachers Friday about the summer drop period for union members contends its purpose was simply informational.
"This is union busting at its finest?" asked Victor Joecks, communications director for the Nevada Policy Research Institute. "If you really care about teachers, why don't you let them know what their choices are?"
The Clark County Education Association, which represents local teachers and is part of the NSEA, only allows members to drop out from July 1 to 15 when "most teachers are on vacation and school-related activities are the furthest things from their minds," Joecks wrote in the email to teachers.
So, then, how come I have not received the e-mail?  I am a union member of CCEA and have been a teacher for 6 years now, so how come I have not received the e-mail?
Could it be that the teacher's union is blowing smoke and making things up or that NPRI is playing a bluffing game of chicken with the CCEA and the NSEA?
So, where's my damn e-mail?

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