From the LVRJ:
Another seemingly offhand comment from U.S. Sen. Harry Reid has made waves, these rippling to St. Louis.
Chitchat with a New York Times reporter following a recent interview for some reason turned to politics in the Vatican, according to an item on the newspaper’s political blog last week.
“We sure do like this new pope,” Reid said of Pope Francis.
In the discussion, Reid brought up Cardinal Raymond Burke, the former archbishop of St. Louis. Burke, a critic of the pope, was demoted twice in the past year as Francis reshaped the Vatican bureaucracy. Burke, a fervent opponent of embryonic stem cell research and gay marriage, was the church official who once memorably said he would deny communion to then-presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry because of Kerry’s view on abortion.
Reid, who is Mormon, said he met Burke once and had a good conversation with him. But, he said, “Claire McCaskill and others just hate the man.”
McCaskill, the Democratic senator from Missouri, has a history with Burke. In 2007, Burke pressed a Catholic high school in the St. Louis archdiocese to disinvite McCaskill as a commencement speaker because of her views on abortion even though the senator’s daughter was in the graduating class.
Still, McCaskill moved to distance herself from Reid’s comment.
“Those were Harry Reid’s words, not Claire’s; she would never use the word ‘hate’ when talking about the church,” McCaskill spokesman John LaBombard told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Some wondered if there was a method to Reid’s comment. The Times noted the Nevadan’s remark about McCaskill came several hours after she, along with five other Democratic senators, declined to vote for him as Senate Democratic leader and went public with her decision.
Reid must know much about the word "hate" as most of Nevada does hate Senile/Coward/Liar Harry Reid.
And most of the country also hate Reid as well.
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