Friday, July 6, 2012

Coward Harry Reid: Hypocrite

From Coward/Crybaby Harry Reid, from his web site:
In the coming weeks, we should remain focused on legislation that creates jobs and helps our economic recovery. Wasting precious time fighting old legislative battles does not create jobs. I hope this bipartisan cooperation will continue as we move forward with a tax cut for small business owners that will spur job creation and boost the middle class.”
Yet Reid, once again has put people out of work, a fun and cruel hobby Coward Reid has.  Coward Reid has killed Yucca Mountain throwing about 10,000 out of work, killed 2 electrical power plants in Northern Nevada that would have employed thousands of construction workers and created hundreds of full time jobs, killed a dump in northwest Nevada and now has thrown people who work at smoke shops that a person can roll their own cigarettes, out of work and closed down several small businesses.
If we have a satan on earth, I am sure Coward/Crybaby Reid would be a candidate to be it.


  1. I thought the tobacco industry was supposed to be the devil. But Harry buckles under their weight.

  2. Hey Nevadans,

    YOU are responsible for foisting this monstrosity on the people of the United States. You had your chance two years ago and you blew it. You owe us all an apology. Next time, think hard.

  3. Well, on the behalf of Nevadan conservatives, I am sorry that we nominated a goof ball that caused Crybaby Reid to win.
