Wednesday, November 14, 2012

55 Brain Cells Re-elect Harry Reid Senate Majority Leader

Showing once again that Senate Democrats are severely lacking brain cells, the Senate Democrats re-elected Crybaby/Senile/Coward Harry reid as Senate Majority Leader.
From the Las Vegas Sun: After beating the odds as handily as he did, Sen. Harry Reid really had no reason to suspect he wouldn’t easily be reelected as majority leader.
In fact, nothing changed about the Democratic Senate leadership. On Wednesday morning, the new crop of Democratic senators who will serve in the 113th Congress voted Reid, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer and Patty Murray to another term at the top.
Reid is now set to serve as majority leader longer than powerhouse leaders Lyndon Johnson and Robert Byrd — but not quite as long as Mike Mansfield, the senator from Montana who ran the Senate for the 16 years after Johnson left for the White House.
I guess being a liar, a thief, a coward, being senile, a crybaby, a flim flam artist, a job killer, mentally ill among other things, qualifies him to be one of the nation's leaders.
God help the United States.

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