Sunday, November 11, 2012

Freedom Of The Press? Not In Obama's Chicago

From the Chicago Tribune: After incidents in which phone conversations with Chicago Tribune reporters were recorded without their consent by City Hall officials, a city attorney has insisted that there is no widespread practice of such taping and that steps have been taken to ensure it does not happen again.
Recording a conversation without the consent of all parties is a felony in Illinois....
The issue reached a public forum last week when a court filing in a wrongful death lawsuit against the city raised questions about whether a city spokeswoman had recorded Tribune reporters without their consent as they conducted a phone interview with Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy in October 2011.
And in separate incidents this past September, city spokespeople twice recorded a Tribune reporter as he conducted phone interviews with a top city official involved in Mayor Rahm Emanuel's controversial speed camera program. The spokespeople acknowledged that they independently recorded the interviews without asking the reporter for consent.
Gerould Kern, senior vice president and editor of the Tribune, declined to comment Friday about the recordings. Instead, he cited the letter sent by Tribune Co. attorney Karen Flax to Patton, demanding that city officials cease recording Tribune reporters without consent. The letter also asked that the city preserve copies of all recorded conversations and turn them over to the Tribune.
In its response Saturday, the city said it was unclear whether there would be any tapes to turn over. While City Hall acknowledged the two improper September recordings, it insisted they were mistakes.,0,47049.story
Nothing like the government recording private conversations between a reporter and a public official without the reporter's knowledge.
I realize that the media is in the bag for liberals but now that they have their rights trampled on, they scream like stuck pigs and make a stink about it.  And if a conservative got their rights violated the same way, the Tribune and other reporters would be quiet.
However, it is quite disconcerting that the government, Obama's government, has decided to listen in on reporter's private conversations.  It makes you wonder who else the Chicago government spies on.
The downfall of America continues.

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