Sunday, November 11, 2012

Good Bye To A Great Blog, Fightlevel 390

Flight Level 390 is a great- non-political blog run and written by Captain Dave.  It tells about the life and times of a pilot on the road and who flies in and out of different airports.  He writes glowingly about his airplane FiFi.
Well, something has happened to Captain Dave's blog:
It shows that the blog was removed and there are no archives.
Now, it may be a mistake and Captain Dave hasn't realized it yet or he decided to pack it in and enjoy his life with his better half.
Whatever happened, we're going to miss you, Captain Dave.
But not even a good bye?


  1. Very Very Upsetting - I had hoped at least for a good bye and for the archived entries to be available still - I go back and read the old entries when I need a pick me up!


  2. Hopefully he took it offline because he's going to package it all up into a memoir. That would be awesome.

  3. leaves a lot to speculation. It's *possible* his company made him take it down but, for the life of me, I cannot understand why. He never revealed the name of his employer although according to some it is easy to figure out. I would still think he would have posted a single goodbye. I understand his email address is also kaput - so we can just do nothing but wonder, for now.

  4. Yes, his email address is also out.
    I tried sending him an email.
    Could be anything. I hope he is OK.
    Could be a company thing. A higher up decided that they did not like one of their pilots commenting on the others etc... Especially since everyone knows for which airline he is working.
