Sunday, November 11, 2012

Is It Too Early To Impeach Obama?

Can Obama screwed up the murder of 4 U.S. citizens including an ambassador in Benghazi, Libya even more?
First there was the total screw up in protecting the Ambassador before the 9/11/2012 terrorist attacks, then when the attack was happening, the Obama administration turned a deaf ears for cries to help by the ambassador and those protecting him.
Then, after the attack, Obama and others blamed the terrorist attack on some stupid movie trailer hardly anybody saw. And the cover up continued to this day but a new revelation: just as the CIA Director David Patreaus was about to testify before Congress, he resigned over an affair he had with his biographer.  And Hillary Clinton is refusing to testify because of her travel schedule.
And now this from the U.K. Daily Mail: President Obama faced allegations of a major political cover-up last night over the resignation of CIA chief General David Petraeus, who had an affair with a married woman.
Congress is expected to investigate claims that the affair was hushed up to protect Obama’s re-election campaign.
It is believed the affair was discovered by the FBI months ago, but not made public until after the election....
The FBI began an investigation  in February after discovering the  60-year-old’s computer had been accessed by someone else - believed to be his 40-year-old mistress Paula Broadwell - prompting fears of a major security breach.
This led to the discovery of hundreds of explicit emails including one referring to ‘sex under a desk.'
A source said last night: ‘The real question is, what did the President know, and when?’
Frances Townsend, a former  senior US government security official and now a member of the CIA Advisory Committee, said: ‘Whenever the FBI opens an investigation of a senior official they have to make notification of that, especially if there is an intelligence concern.
'It is hard to believe the White House did not know about this prior to the election.’
White House officials insist the President did not know of the affair until last Wednesday, the day after the election.He accepted the retired four-star general’s resignation on Thursday, and the announcement was made on Friday.
Some have alleged the scandal is a smokescreen to stop Petraeus testifying before a Senate committee this week into the deaths of the US ambassador and three staff members in September in Benghazi, Libya.
The White House has been accused of ignoring repeated warnings of an Al Qaeda terrorist attack on the embassy.
A senior Congressional staffer said last night: 'What would he have told us? The resignation is incredibly convenient for the administration. Would he have revealed the CIA knew the Benghazi compound was under threat and Washington did nothing to secure it?'
Members of the House Intelligence Committee may still vote to subpoena Petraeus and force him  to testify.
The source added: ‘This could be another Watergate situation where it is not the event that brings down the president but the cover-up.’
Read more:
President Nixon resigned because he and his other staff members covered a minor crime.  Obama and his ilk are covering up the murder of 4 U.S. citizens that they could have prevented.  
The GOP and hopefully, some Democrats will not give up investigating this and if it leads to impeachment, so be it.
Here no evil, see no evil, say no evil is the way of the Obama administration. 
But I guess that is not optimal, as Obama would say.


  1. There has been a lot of extraneous bs around this affair, to the point of inventions of live video that Obama was watching, while refusing help. . .something that not only didn't happen, but would be INSANE if it happened.

    Benghazi was an attack ON us, not a scandal BY us. If there were errors, mistakes and even a colossal clusterF*k, I can buy that. We've got a lot of installations around the world, and it isn't surprising we'd have an attack in the middle east. But I think the right is looking for not just blame, but MURDER on the president's head, and I just don't think that's realistic.

    Again, Dan, I ask you to step back a second, and remember 9/11. The first one. Who lost their jobs over that intelligence failure? Who apologized for it? Who ever even EXPLAINED it? That was a much, much larger deal, and not only didn't Democrats raise a stink over it, Republicans didn't either. So WHY, I ask again, WHY is this one--admittedly unfortunate, and tragic occurance--the be-all, end-all of the right wing these days? I maintain that it is nothing more than a quest to hang a scandal on the President's neck. If the exact same circumstance befell Bush, I'd wager a paycheck that the right wouldn't even make a sound.

  2. The House could initiate impeeachment proceedings but I doubt Boener has the nuts for it. But even if he did, the Senate (and senile Harry Reid) would never take it any farther - just like the lack of a budget plan.

    Several states (20 in all) have submitted secession notices which according to Constitutional Law must be reviewed by the White House. They'll priobably end up in the waste basket, but considering the thousands of signatures they're gathering, it's safe to say people are getting fed up with the stus quo.

  3. Nice to see all the "patriots" in those 20 states willing to tear the nation asunder because they lost an election. "America first," right?

  4. It goes beyond the election. The people of this country are being shoved aside by elitist snobs who think they know better. They're watching this country being pushed over the proverbial cliff and they can't stop it because of dismissive politicos, the Obama kissing media, and various other useful idiots Lenin would have been proud of. They want off this inane merry go round.

    BTW - now it's 40 states submitting secession notices.
