Wisconsin’s three AFSCME councils are merging four years after the state rolled back public-sector union rights, prompting two out of three dues-paying members to drop out.
Mike Fox, a Pennsylvania-based international vice president for the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, said losses in membership, dues revenue and staff are only part of the reason for the merger...
The three Wisconsin AFSCME councils claimed nearly 63,000 members in 2010. That number is likely less than 20,000 now.
Publicly available tax records for the state workers union show that Council 24 revenue dropped from over $5 million in 2010 to $1.5 million in 2013. Like the other councils it reduced staff to cut costs, but from 2011 through 2013 it spent $1.8 million more than it took in.
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If the unions were so darn popular, their members would not have gone down by at last 2/3.
And now, the union leaders/thugs have to come with another way for the union leadership to maintain their lavish lifestyles, so they had to consolidate.
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